Driving in the Snow: How to Stay Safe

The weather is already cold outside, and you might be looking forward to seeing some snow. Yes, snow is great for building snowmen, having a snowball fight, and making snow angels; however, you certainly do not want to drive in the snow. Driving in the snow is always more hazardous than driving on a clear road, but there are ways for you to stay safe even as you drive in the snow. We are Sport Cadillac, and it would be our pleasure to help you drive safely in the snow. Take a look at a few of the most important tips below and give us a call to make an appointment with our service center.

1. Slow Down

Without a doubt, the most important tip you need to follow is that you have to slow down when you are driving in the snow. No matter how confident you are when there is snow on the road, it is always harder to control your vehicle. If you drive too quickly, you increase the chances of losing control of your vehicle, which means that you could skid off the road or strike another car. Regardless of what the speed limit says, you need to make sure you drive slowly. This is particularly true if you are on a curvy road, where your visibility is going to be lower.

2. Leave Extra Distance Between Cars

Next, you need to leave extra distance between your car and the car in front of you. When the road is clear, you are supposed to leave one car length between you and the car in front of you for every 10 mph of speed. You need to leave significantly more distance between your car and the car in front of you if there is snow on the road. Regardless of how good your brakes or tires are, it is going to take you longer to come to a complete stop. Even though your wheels might not be turning, your car might still be sliding. You don't want to slide into the car in front of you.

3. Have the Right Tires

If you need to drive in the snow, you must make sure you have the right tires. Ideally, you should have a solid set of snow tires that you can put on when there is snow on the road. For example, snow tires are probably going to have sharper treads, which will make it easier for you to control your vehicle. You also need to make sure your tires are at the right pressure. Even if the tire pressure light is not on, you should check your pressure before you go out. There are some people who believe it is smart to put chains on the tires, but in a lot of locations, this is no longer legal.

4. Ensure Your Brakes Are Intact

Finally, you need to make sure your brakes are intact. Your brakes are going to be responsible for bringing your car to a complete stop. There are some people who say that you need to pump your brakes, but with an anti-lock brake system, this should not be necessary. Regardless, we are here to help you make sure your brakes are working appropriately. We will check your brake rotors, your brake fluid, and your brake pads to make sure they are working exactly as they should. If anything has to be replaced, we will handle it for you, ensuring that your brakes work well when you leave our service center.

Contact Sport Cadillac Today for Help Driving in the Snow

If you drive in the snow, you need to take all the necessary precautions. You should try to avoid driving in the snow unless you have to, but there are situations where you might have to get from point A to point B even when the roads have snow on them. At Sport Cadillac, we have a variety of resources at our disposal, and our service center would be happy to help you stay safe in the snow. Give us a call today to make an appointment with our service center and let us help you make sure you drive safely.